Monday, 31 August 2020

scramble sentences

It is important to wash your hands well.
Wemust stay one metre away from other.
You should wear a Face mash on the bus.
We should not share drink bottles with other.
It is important to be kind to each other.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Ngatokoa Captain Underpants #2 - Using Speech L1

As the sun rises and the paperboy delivers the newspaper, geoge wakes up singing.
"I love suturdays"
Harold suddenly wakes up and joins in the singing
"When anything is possible."
Both boys jump out of bed happily and greet each other at their windows.
"I love suturdays cause l can wear my py james all day..."
Dances george as he sings ludly.
The bance on in to their living rooms and while jumping on to his couch. Harold replies.
"I love suturdays cause l can watch tv all day."
Then throwing away his cereal bowl, Harold adds.
"I can pee a little bit in my underwear and no one will mind."
George looks over at his friend, horrified

Monday, 10 August 2020

compound word

The girls played football  at the park.
I like to eat pancakes for dinner.
ln the afternoon l playon the ps4
My family has a big backyard